
Your Guide to the  Retention Economy

Peter has been translating processes into systems for 30 years in a variety of environments. About his experiences, he wrote two books in Dutch – First “Zinvol Digitaliseren” about digital transformation, and then “De Retentie-Economie” about subscription management and how to introduce this in your organization. 
He is available for key-notes and lectures on these topics as well as for supervision of your projects in this field.

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De Retentie-Economie (Dutch)
Retaining a customer costs five to seven times less than recruiting a new one! So it comes down to keeping customers loyal to your organization. Yet there are organizations that do manage to establish long-term relationships with their customers. They do this by getting to know the customer, and aiming for a long-term win-win.They often use a subscription model to do this.In this book, you will learn what elements are important to set up a new business model and how to turn your organization into a true retention machine.


Zinvol Digitaliseren (Dutch)
This book is for every business owner and manager who wants to get out in the digital world, stay one step ahead of the competition day after day, and tackle their digital transformation successfully and sustainably.


Training and key-notes
Get inspired on how your organization needs to adapt to become ready for the retention economy.

Together with key stakeholders within your company, a future
vision elaborated as well as 
a  roadmap  

Software selection
From drafting the  functional requirements to signing the  contract with a vendor.

Project Management
Guidance from A to Z of your entire implementation project.


Man versus machine

“Can technology replace humans?” This was the key question of the online debate I had the privilege of moderating on Feb. 9. In the first place, the …

“Can technology replace humans?” This was the key question of the online debate I had the privilege of moderating on Feb. 9. In the first place, the …

“Can technology replace humans?” This was the key question of the online debate I had the privilege of moderating on Feb. 9. In the first place, the …

“Can technology replace humans?” This was the key question of the online debate I had the privilege of moderating on Feb. 9. In the first place, the …

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Think different!

In a previous blog post, I talked about the attempt to break the record for the highest parachute jump. By getting rid of ‘Muda’ or …

In a previous blog post, I talked about the attempt to break the record for the highest parachute jump. By getting rid of ‘Muda’ or …

In a previous blog post, I talked about the attempt to break the record for the highest parachute jump. By getting rid of ‘Muda’ or …

In a previous blog post, I talked about the attempt to break the record for the highest parachute jump. By getting rid of ‘Muda’ or …

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Interview with Eventplanner.be

A few weeks ago, I was a guest of the folks at Eventplanner.be for an interview about the book.
Although the site’s target audience in …

A few weeks ago, I was a guest of the folks at Eventplanner.be for an interview about the book.
Although the site’s target audience in …

A few weeks ago, I was a guest of the folks at Eventplanner.be for an interview about the book.
Although the site’s target audience in …

A few weeks ago, I was a guest of the folks at Eventplanner.be for an interview about the book.
Although the site’s target audience in …

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